
What Is Biometrics?

Biometrics are a group of digital security methods that rely on biological or physiological attributes and that are used to prevent data breaches such as credit card hacks or unauthorized logins. Biometrics use criteria that are physically unique to an individual that can prove their identity, such as a fingerprint or voice pattern, rather than relying on passwords or PIN codes that can be more easily hacked or stolen.

Biometrics and Protecting Financial Data

Since so many people rely on credit cards, online banking, and apps to transfer payments, it’s essential to employ the use of techniques such as biometrics to prevent hacks, breaches, and fraud. Many banks and financial institutions use the technology inherent in newer phones by creating apps that require fingerprints to access data, and their individual biometrics systems become more advanced as the mobile technology develops. Customers can access secure banking information at the press of a finger. You can get more information on Biometrics by Biometric System Dealers in Mohali.